Technological Workshop Promoted by Commissione Rapporti con l'Industria - SCI

Milan (I), 13 June 2019

Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32

Building 6, Aula G. Natta 

Graphene is the fascinating 2D sheet made of honeycomb carbon. Since its discovery in 2004, an impressive amount of research has been performed, from chemistry to physics and engineering, developing challenging applications.

This event will focus on the Chemistry of Graphene. Preparation, functionalization and study of main structural features will be discussed. Application of graphene and graphene related materials in catalysis and for the preparation of polymer composites will be presented.

Oral presentations will be given.

The participation is free.

Deadlines are: participation March 15th, abstract April 15th.

The aim of these deadlines is to help with a better organization. Additional participants and contributions will be welcome and will be added to the program, as long as places are available.


Chairperson: Maurizio Galimberti

Scientific Committee: Gaetano Guerra (Università di Salerno), Francesco Pignataro (SCI - Divisione Chimica Industriale), Amilcare Collina (MAPEI); Bruno Pignataro (Università di Palermo), Carlotta Cortelli (Polynt Group), Francesco Fracassi (Università di Bari); Perego Carlo (Eni)

Local committee: Vincenzina Barbera (Politecnico di Milano),

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